Happy birthday to us!

Happy birthday to us!

Happy 1st Birthday to Banana Berry. Having a small business is exactly like having a small child. There’s ups, there’s downs, it’s hard, it’s fun, you learn a lot and it costs you a small fortune 🤑 but you love it all the same 💚

To celebrate we are running a competition over on our Instagram and Facebook pages, enter to win matching Squiggle sweaters! One for you and one for your little pal! Competition is running till Sunday so click here to enter now!


Matching adult and kids jumper, Banana Berry Design, WinMatching Squiggle Sweater


A Year of Highlights


Banana Berry Highlights 

Winning GOLD in the Junior Design awards for 'Best International Newcomer, UK and International' was such an amazing achievement for Banana Berry. It was completely unexpected and gave the brand a much needed boost at the time! Click here to see what the judges had to say. 

Gold winner, Junior Design Awards, Banana Berry DesignGold Winner, Banana Berry Design, Junior Design Awards 


Another highlight was meeting and presenting to Leo Varadkar and Paschal Donohoe in Trinity College, Dublin. It was an honour to be invited back in as a Trinity alumni and present Banana Berry, and we had a few laughs too! 

Sarah Lynksey with Paschal Donohoe and Leo Varadkar at Trinity College DublinPaschal Donohoe and Leo Varadkar at Trinity College Dublin


But its not all about awards and meeting VIPs. A brilliant day that comes to mind is the most recent photoshoot. The budget was non existent so I roped a few pals into help me out. My friend and artist Gag , who was on hand to take the photos, he also doubled as a model.  

Dermot, who took photos and made made the video. Dermot also does all of Banana Berry's animations on the website and on social media. 

And last but not least Triona, who is a talented designer, stylist and all around best friend. She helps me out daily and I honestly don't think I could do Banana Berry without her help, advice and support! 

Irish designer | Banana Berry Design | Kids Adult FashionBanana Berry Photoshoot 2022

Thanks to everyone who has supported Banana Berry this year! There is more exciting news to come! I can feel it!

Sarah x 


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